Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Attention to details...

One of our favorite things about Disney is the attention to detail. Nothing is overlooked. The cast members, imagineers (isn't that a cool title?) and the Disney powers-that-be are committed to carrying the story through every part of the attraction -- even to the surrounding vending areas!

I have never noticed this particular detail. But my Mason is very astute and pointed out to me during our drive to California that each of the Popcorn vendors are different...that a different character turns the popcorn wheel depending on the area of the park. I could not imagine. So, it was a "treasure hunt" of sorts for us this trip. We all were on the lookout for popcorn...and look what we found!

The Yeti spins the popcorn outside....can you guess? The Matterhorn, of course!

This little guy is a Riverboat worker...I love that you can see Tom Sawyer's Island THROUGH the shot of popcorn (across the river!)

On Main Street...

Another fun one to guess....outside the Haunted Mansion! (Not sure I would want his popcorn!)

And this one was outside Mickey's Toontown!
Isn't that cool? I'm not sure we got them all -- we'll have to look again on our next visit!
But the fun popcorn turners were a great reminder for me of attention to detail. And as delightful as Disney is....they don't even come close to attending the details that our Creator does.

Luke 12:6-7 says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

So, as we sail straight toward my boy's surgery, I am claiming this verse as a promise from God that he cares about all the details. And I'm thanking Him for that blessing....and for the blessing of fun popcorn turners....a delightful reminder!

More tomorrow...