Friday, July 18, 2008

It's official...

I am a pushover. Let me show you: My mother is arriving this morning (yeah!) so as soon as I woke today, I jumped up and made the bed (My mother's coming, after all!). My sweet Cate woke up shortly after and called for me to come get her. When I did, she said "I want to get in your bed, Mommy." (A summer tradition that we both enjoy!) I told her I had already made the bed but that I would sit and hold her in the rocking chair for a little while. That worked for about 60 seconds and she looked at me and said, "I want to get in your bed." I again pointed out that Mommy's bed was all made up for Grammie's visit. And she looked at me and said, "But, Mommy, I want to get in your bed and cuddle with you."

What could I do? I un-made the bed and cuddled with my two-year-old. I'm no dummy, I know how fast these days fly by. But I am officially....a pushover!