Sunday, May 3, 2009

Be Advised...

When traveling with a three-year-old, it might not be the best idea to find a deserted gate to hang out in until your flight is called three gates away...

Oh, it sounds like a good plan. She can run, romp, and sing to her heart's content without disturbing anyone....

BUT, what if she starts climbing under the seats. And what if her mother is thinking she is safe because she is "confined" under and behind the mommy's seat....and that Mommy lets herself get distracted with the drama going on a few seats over from a large group who has wandered into the once-empty gate with one overly-loud, overly-dramatic woman whose phone conversation the mommy can't help but hear...

And then the Mommy realizes the precious three-year-old is entirely too-quiet for a member of this family....and so she peers behind her seat to see why.....

Only to discover a brand new art form gracing the walls...40-50 pieces of gum that apparently used to be under the seats in this lovely airport...

And one little three-year-old, quite proud of her work in progress (oh yes, there is gum in her hand even now) and completely at a loss for why her once-distracted Mommy is now paying her full attention and grabbing her up and heading for the restroom only to have our flight be called for boarding...

So the water fountain on the way had to do.

Ugh. Be advised.


Hoekzema said...

I'm sorry to say that I LOVED this story! I can just picture it all in my head reading the way that you wrote it. Ew, gross!

Unknown said...

My first reaction was to laugh...but I have a 3 year old capable of doing ANYTHING!!! Think I'll refrain!

Unknown said...

My first thought was "did you get a picture?"!!!!! I know...easy for me to say since it was not my child.