Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fall's changing colors...

Well, we live in the desert. The trees are few. The fall foliage even less because the few trees we have stay the same year round! This is our third Fall without changing I decided to help it out a bit...

The highlights that I love, coupled with the strong desert sun and over-abundance of pool time chemicals had turned me blonder and blonder...and not a lovely shade...more a "yellow hair" look. Yuck.

So, a stressful week sent me straight to my hairstylist (all ya'll who know me, know that ANY stress sends me straight to my hairstylist...a definite side-effect of being raised by a beautician!) where I said "Do it!" and she asked if I was sure...and I said, "Quick, woman, quick! Before I change my mind!!" (Lots of exclamation points included!)'s the final product...I still miss the leaves changing colors...but this helps a bit...

Blessings, ya'll!


The Giraffe Head Tree said...

I absolutely love it! It's perfect - keep this look forever!

...if you want to, that is. (!)

Mardi said...

Wow!! I love the change! You always look great, with your new look you can see the resemblence between you and Claire even more! wow!

Sarah Armstrong said...

Oh, I love it!! :) Beautiful!!