Saturday, September 6, 2008


Just joining Slurping Life 's Straight Out Of Camera Saturdays....what fun! This morning my girls and I were enjoying the joys of folding laundry in my bedroom. When between loads, I pulled out my book, I realized they BOTH joined me -- the ever-reader, Claire, was no surprise; but Little Cate and her book made us both smile! A love of books and photos...what could be better?!

Won't you join me? Post a link in the comments to your very own SOOC (No cleaning up...just straight out!)! Now that will be a blessing...


Wil's Wheels said...

These images are precious, especially knowing the story behind them.

Thanks for playing with me at Slurping Life. And isn't a relief to not feel the competitive spirit of editing photos? Glad you like. :)

Your girls are beautiful.