Sunday, March 22, 2020

God is not contained in four walls. I promise.

We worshipped via computer this morning -- and from my social media feeds, it seems many of my friends did the same. I love seeing all the photos that show in the midst of this crazy time, we are turning to the One who knows what tomorrow looks like. 

Remote church is not a new concept for me -- or for many special needs parents around the world. The triplets could not be in church nurseries as babies during RSV season. We worshiped at home.

Second visit to church -- the day I spent the entire sermon changing babies in the restroom.

As they became preschoolers, we often spent winter Sundays at home because fighting colds was so hard for them.

Heading to church post-flu season, Spring 2003

And as they grew older, we had years with big surgeries and long rehab seasons. Rehab seasons that required us to be home protecting their immune systems at all costs.

I grew up believing that going to church was imperative. I thought the gold star of attendance was important to my faith. But here is what I have learned through the years: God is faithful to draw close to those who seek Him....and sometimes, that needs to occur in solitude. And listen friends....that is ok.

Please hear me. I love fellowship. I love being hugged, and held, and worshipping with fellow brothers and sisters. But that is not always possible. And now today, in this strange season, it is imperative that it not happen so that we contain this vile virus. So I feel compelled to tell you what God has been faithful to remind me repeatedly for the last almost 23 years: He is not contained to four walls of a traditional church.

My prayer is that many of you realized this morning that when we seek Him, He is faithful to meet us wherever we are and his mercies are new every single morning. Open your Bible. Open your laptop. Open your heart. He is waiting and will draw near. I promise.

I am praying for you dear ones, during this crazy crazy season. Stay home. And stay healthy.

Carol - The Blessings Counter