At the risk of completely making myself look old...I need to share that I was a pre-teen fascinated with "Seventeen" magazine.
I read every issue from cover to cover. I memorized the make-up techniques. And admired the styles. I pondered the relationship advice and took any and every quiz they offered.
As a girl without sisters, that magazine was a life line for all the questions my little pre-teen self had but had no idea who to ask.
As a result, I entered the realm of teenage-hood, with complete and utter confidence in my ability to pick make-up and apply it appropriately! (Please note that I am in no way saying this was earned confidence....)
Even with all that knowledge (smile), I still lean toward neutrals. Still hesitate to wear red lip stick. And still prefer blush that seems like a natural glow....
So yesterday as I pulled out my palette of neutral eye shadows, I realized I have never noticed the names of each color. Never.
And the names are the greatest -- I mean, I got tickled. Clearly, I love some Flower Child and Cate absolutely insists that I wear Firecracker every time I am going out at night (She says she loves the sparkles, but let's be real, my Little Red is ALL Firecracker!). But yesterday, knowing that I needed a bit extra attitude to get through the week, I might have used a bit of Rebel and actually let my brush hover over Leader....
There are days my boys need me to wear Activist but I should probably also always wear a bit of Funny Girl and maybe a bit less Smarty Pants. And though I fear I can't pull off Smokeshow, I do love some Sweetheart...and some days even feel a bit like Jetsetter works.
Oh I know it is just clever marketing, and I tip my hat to Tarte. But as women, I do believe we wear so many hats, and flex to so many different strengths in the course of our lives -- shoot, most of us flex to a myriad of different strengths in the course of our day!
And just as I hesitate before wearing some of these colors, I hesitate before accepting some of these roles. And yet, I have girlfriends who can rock the deep browns of Activist -- and who inspire me with their activism! They have started entire organizations to benefit their children with Cerebral Palsy. They are fighting the fight fiercely to ensure the world is better!
I have friends who lead -- one who runs an entire agency that provides housing for those who need assistance. She can be stern when necessary, creative when that is needed, and yet hold the hands of those she serves. She could wear every color in the pallet.
There are those women in my life who crack me up and make me smile from ear to ear with ease. One sweet friend came to see me while we visited Phoenix. Our conversations are far from shallow, and yet she helps me laugh at the hard stuff and offers the best hugs to boot!
Can I encourage you today, that I see you and know that you are flexing outside of your comfort zone on a daily basis? I get it. I seriously love to just flat-out apply my go-to Flower Child and Charmer shades and sit firmly inside my comfort zone.
But even today -- with my husband in Delaware beginning a new adventure for us, I know that we are being called to get out of our comfort zone. For me, among other things, that means preparing to leave Mississippi, where I thought we had moved to stay. It means embracing the opportunity to serve the world of families with Cerebral palsy and perhaps wearing my activist role more often. It means leading my little family in embracing the challenge and the adventure of the move. And it means loving them all big as we are scattered near and far.
I should probably stock up on the eyeshadow. Shoot, maybe I should even try red lipstick?

You are all these in one day and more my friend! Power on in this new journey.
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