My nerves are stretched so tight that I can hardly even type today. So instead of looking back at my words, we are going to just LOOK back.
My babies that weighed an average of 2 and a half pounds each, my teeny tiny beautiful babies, are taking the SAT this morning. The SAT. Because they are seniors in high school. Because they are looking at colleges. And yes, they have taken it once already and did very well. But a couple of them think there might be scholarship monies available if they up their scores a bit; and one of them thinks he might have a shot at the more elite academic school he is considering...and so off they went this morning.
Once, dear mamas, I was afraid my college dreams for them might be impossible. But here they are, preparing, doing their best and talking about scholarships even! I am filled to bursting. Really.
If I look back to far today I will be a weepy mess when I pick them up. So instead, instead I am focusing on the fact that my own Alma Mater is playing in the biggest football game of our season -- arguable our history. I can not believe that my sweet bulldogs are currently NUMBER THREE in the nation! Now, it doesn't matter a whole lot to me, I'm going to LOVE them no matter what. But ok, it matters a whole lot to me. So sit back and scroll through some of my sweeties ready for other game days!! I hope they make you smile!!
Ring those cowbells and Hail State!!

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