Yesterday's post reminded me why I am so thankful for friends who stand by me, cry with me, laugh with me and continue opening my emails -- I can have some dark dark days.
But some days are more lollipops and sunshine. Some days are just about finding the joy in being the mommy to the three (now FOUR) most amazing gifts I could ever imagine. Today, let's celebrate that:
May 9, 2002 -- I must share what my trio have done this week as we approach this much-publicized holiday! They've been discussing how to "cook" me breakfast all week. Finally over dinner Tuesday night they were discussing it with their daddy (I was right there of course) and he sadly told them he would probably be at the hospital Sunday morning because he is on call all weekend. They started pouting and protesting so I quickly jumped in and told them that I could help them cook and then go back to bed so they could bring it to me. (I thought it was a good solution!) Well, my dear Mason had an even better thought. He got a look of utter excitement on his face and looked up at me and said, "I have the perfect plan. Mommy, you do all the work with your eyes closed, then, it will STILL be a surprise!!"
Really, is that not the best reminder for what really counts? On this motherhood journey, there are some highs, some lows, but if we count -- really really count -- then the joys far outweigh the struggles!

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