So I haven't shared nearly all my pics from London. So today there is this:
The Shraders are all big fans of Sherlock Holmes. Big big fans. We have read the books, seen movies, TV shows and read the books again. It is one of those family things we enjoy together.
While checking into our hotel in London, a gentleman in line behind us asked Cate was she was hoping to see. When she got to the place in her list where she was talking about Sherlock Holmes, he bent down very close to her face and said, "He's not real, you know."
We laughed and laughed at that. Of course, he isn't. Cate never thought he was real. Silly man.
Years ago, Wade and I visited London as part of a business trip. We took an afternoon and went to see the street made famous by the great detective:
Baker Street. 221B Baker Street to be exact.
There were maybe two other people at the site. We were alone for most of our tour of the town home museum on Baker Street. But clearly that was a few years before before Benedict Cumberbatch picked up the um, pipe if you will in his BBC production of Sherlock.
Because goodness gracious, this day we were not alone on Baker Street. Not alone at all. Rather we waited in line for two and a half hours to visit 221B. (Two and a half hours of listening to people talk about the show...many of whom had no knowledge of the books. None at all. Mason and I wanted to pass out copies!)
And sadly, Sherlock's home is upstairs. Up a lot of stairs. Benjamin and I said farewell to the crew as they went up the stairs while the staff of the gift shop helped me lift him into their area so that at least he could peruse the myriad of Sherlock-themed books, and merchandise!
But we would never end at Baker Street. No, one of the best episodes of Sherlock takes place at St. Bart's hospital. Even if Benjamin couldn't see inside the apartment, Dad knew the way to the hospital. And off we went.
As I posed my family in the ambulance bay of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, a strange thing caught our eye. (And I won't spoil the series by telling you why this ambulance bay was of should watch the show!)
Sticky notes all over the phone box in the ambulance bay. Sticky notes declaring belief in one great detective.
Even the dirty windows proclaimed London's affection for the detective.
And suddenly, the gentleman in the lobby whispering to Cate that Sherlock isn't real made a lot more sense. Apparently, everyone is not as wise as my 8-year-old. Apparently, some people actually believe in um, this fictional character. Oh mercy, he is delightful. The shows, the books, the movies are fun and entertaining and my crew and I are already counting the days until Mr. Cumberbatch returns to our tv with the next installments of Sherlock.
But we know how to distinguish reality from fiction. We understand the difference in a character on TV or in a book and a real life person.
I'm not a great detective -- but even I can figure out that our world is hurting for something to believe in. For someone to offer hope and an answer to life's myriad of questions. How blessed we are to have Jesus -- a real life comfort in times of sorrow, a real life hope for the hurting, a real life hero.
And my friends, belief in Jesus is worth a lot more sticky notes!

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