Thursday, August 8, 2013

You might be a school supply addict if you wax poetic over a box of crayons.

The cashier at Target dropped our brand new box of crayons. Crayons went everywhere. The little pointed tips were broken. The wrappers dirtied from the floor. She shoved them into the box willy nilly and handed them to me. I shook my head no even before my mouth could formulate the words, "You are getting her a new box, right?"

She grunted. So I tried to laugh it off with, "I love a new box of crayons."

She grunted again, "They won't stay new for five seconds after she opens them."

I smiled but I'm pretty sure my voice dropped an octave or two as I said, "But really, we are getting a new box, right?"

And maybe I was silly for insisting on a fresh new box. Maybe. But I don't regret it. Opening a new box of crayons is one of our favorite parts of the new school year.

The colors are ripe with personality. Lined up, wearing their best, just waiting for Little Red to pick a favorite and make a creation. The shades of purple are her favorites. She uses them up first. But she likes the greens, the blues, the reds. (Of course in this house, the maroon crayon is a mere nub by the end of football season! Bringing all manner of joy with the creations it produces.)

When I cleaned our school room last week and tossed the old box of crayons, only the browns and grays remained. Frankly, it seemed fitting to me. The spring anticipation of Benjamin's surgery and the summer of surgery/recovery has seemed a bit gray, a bit colorless.

But last night as I set that brand new -- undropped -- box of crayons on her little desk, I smiled. We are ready to add the color back. We are ready to open that box and pull the fuchsia right out and go to town. It is time.

Oh the blessing of a brand new box of crayons. May your day be filled with the promise of color, the blessing of hope and the smell of crayons and construction paper!

(We have a week before school starts around here...stay tuned for some Disney fun! Of course!)


The A Team said...

nope, you weren't rude or crazy in insisting that she grab a new box,,,i would have done the same thing..