Saturday, July 20, 2013

A few of my favorite things.

Thursday the eye doctor confirmed that he wants to do a surgery on Benjamin's eye as soon as we can get on the schedule. It is not a surprise. Dr. S told us in the spring this was his plan. Baby Benjamin had strabismus -- an over-tightening of his inner eye muscles that caused his little eyes to cross. A surgery right after his first birthday corrected it. Another surgery when he was 7, further tweaked the issues the tight eye muscles caused. But just like everything else going on with him, the growth spurt of this age in his life, is causing changes with the eye muscles again. Dr. S wants to tweak it again. A short surgery. Outpatient. Benjamin plans to be at theater class that afternoon if all goes well.

There was no gnashing of teeth or throwing things. There were no tears. Well, that isn't quite true. I felt slightly weary later Thursday night and cried for just a bit. But overall, we are resigned to this one more thing and know it is nothing compared to what he has been through this summer. And I am hopeful, really really hopeful that this will be it for a while. That three surgeries in one year will be all. For a long long time.

For now, we will count our blessings. And we are doing just that:

1. Spending time with my brothers, sister-in-law, soon-to-be-sister-in-law and niece this summer! Such a blessing to have all five grands together!!

2. Watching Little Red find her love of reading -- and $1 glasses from Target! 

3. Bubbles. Giggles. And fun with my baby girl.

4. Taking pictures. Editing pictures. Printing pictures. My camera is my friend. 

5. There are no photos of it and please don't judge me...but watching a silly beach movie made by the Disney channel is right up there on my list of faves this summer. Cate and I are on our second viewing and it came out less than 10 hours ago! 

Have you counted your blessings today??