Wednesday, December 19, 2012

From the cul-de-sac in the desert...

Squished in a chair with my Little Red, I thought an update might be in order.

We made it home Monday night and Benjamin is recovering as smoothly as we could have hoped for. His pain has been easily managed. Much more easily managed say than oh getting him transferred from bed to bath to wheelchair, etc with the straight arm cast!

We knew this surgery would be mild compared to what is looming in the horizon for Benjamin. He has talked about it a lot as a matter of fact. Last week he told us that usually he knows he just has to get past a surgery and it is over...but this time, he knows getting over this one means another one is coming.

But as we were leaving Minnesota Monday, he told me we should be encouraged by how easy this recovery is going. In my weary-from-no-sleep-bad-attitude I said, "What? Easy? Well, of course this one was easier than May will be." (Because I am encouraging like that when I have not had enough sleep to control my tongue.)

But my boy -- the one who has a long-armed cast because his bones and tendons have been cut, removed, manipulated; the one whose fingers are black from the blood pooling there from all the work inside his arm; the one who has to actually LIVE the hard road ahead -- looked at me and said, "No, Mom, this recovery is going well because God wants us to remember that He has this. And He will have the recovery for the spine surgery in May, too."

Oh, he is a blessing. My prayer today is that I will have the faith this young man exhibits -- that I will believe it, live it and model it!

And while I am praying, please know I am thanking God for each prayer you offered on this boy's behalf. We are as always -- ever grateful!


charla said...


Smithsholidayroad said...

I am thrilled to find your blog and look forward to reading more about your amazing family x bron