Tuesday, January 18, 2011


After some deep sighing and beautiful window-open weather this weekend, you might imagine that our week would be off to a calm, eager-to-teach/eager-to-learn homeschooling week.

You would be wrong.

Within an hour of my children being awake today, I had completely lost my mommy-of-the-year award. All that relaxation I soaked up this weekend, flew out of me in record time. And I am fairly certain my children wish I had flown with it.

I have no idea what is wrong with me. Maybe it is the cold my little one has. She is not herself and I hate when she feels bad. Or maybe it is the mess in Tucson last weekend. I still can not imagine how such horror can take place. Maybe it is just the post-holiday blues. We had such a lovely Christmas -- maybe I just don't want it to be over. 

Whatever the reason, tomorrow, I'll open the windows again and take some deep breathes. I am certain I can find my happy place -- a heart grateful for the gifts I have been given and eager to celebrate each and every one as a blessing to be counted!