Friday, July 31, 2009

From the Recovery Room

Carol here...I am sitting watching my beautiful boy sleep. The pain meds are keeping him sedated. He roused once not long after we got back here, looked at me and said, "I love you, Mommy," and then promptly started snoring again. The doctor Dad says the fact that he is sleeping means that the epidural they have inserted for pain control is working. Otherwise, at this stage of post-surgery, he would be crying with pain. That's a praise!!

He did wake up again just now and ask what time it is...he has been very concerned about losing precious summer vacation time! We were reluctant to tell him that it had been nine hours since they took him from us this morning! He drank some water and has gone back to sleep. Again, apparently pain-free. Praise God!

So much praise from here -- Dr. Segal told me this morning that he could feel the prayers. Thank you for praying for him by name! He was concerned that if Benjamin had been losing too much blood he might only be able to correct one hip -- Benjamin didn't lose enough blood to even require a transfusion! Both hip x-rays look great (according to Wade!)!!

In addition to the hip and pelvic osteotomies (the hip and socket reconstruction) , Dr. Segal lengthened Benjamin's adductor tendons on both sides and cut his hamstrings on both sides. The goal is that this wonder boy will have more range of motion and MOST importantly will have solid hip construction that will NOT cause arthritis and dislocation!!

I have to share a funny story from our morning. As most of you know, Benjamin is a talker. He had chatted with Wade and I like a trooper until about 7 (we left the house at 5am)...but then he got teary and clearly nervous. The nurse brought him in some Versed (we call it happy juice) just to help him relax until they took him back. It began to work immediately.

The docs came in and asked how he was feeling. When he responded, "Good, real good!", they laughed and Dr. Ozer (anesthesiologist) said, "Well, we must have given you the right stuff!" To which this boy of mine promptly replied in his somewhat-slurred-voice, "Oh, does that mean I get to be an astronaut now?!" (Get it? Right Stuff....oh you can take the Daddy out of NASA but you can't take the NASA out of the family....apparently!!)

Today was a long day. But please, precious prayer warriors, continue to lift up this boy. We are only through phase one. He could still need blood (he has drains in because cutting the bone causes lots of bleeding so they will be checking his numbers regularly to ensure he doesn't need a transfusion.); and because he has eight incisions and so much bone reconstruction, there could be pain. But we serve such an awesome God -- thank you for praying boldly that Benjamin will NOT feel the pain!!

We are humbled by the messages we have received from you today, our sweet prayer warriors; humbled by the kindness shown to us by this dear staff at Phoenix Children's; and humbled by the mercy of our creator who loves this boy EVEN MORE that we do. Amazing.



Sarah Armstrong said...

Been praying throughout the day and night last night...will continue. Thanks for the update.

virgdan1 said...

We will keep that little astronaut in our prayers.