This weekend he decided to wash the cars -- the temperatures really have to cool down for this task and since they finally have, there was some serious dirt to be cleaned off. Without a doubt, this job would have gone faster without his helper. But Cate loves her Uncle Lenny, and she wouldn't leave his side (not even to get her pajamas off!). With the patience that he inherited from our precious Dad, this wonderful man taught Cate how to use each piece of equipment...and didn't complain once about having to re-do the areas where she took so long that the soap dried in spots (heaven forbid there be spots!).
Now, by his own admission, this little almost-three-year-old has him wrapped around her fingers. But he is equally loving to all my children -- taking time from his studies to drive Claire to horseback riding so that I can do homework with the boys; doing a bulk of the lifting of my Benjamin to save my back; laughing with Mason at jokes only the two of them get (ha); sharing Wade's passion for football; and just being a wonderful addition to our family!
Today is Uncle Lenny's birthday. I was in sixth grade when he was born -- just like the trio are today! I should confess that I was upset about his birth...well, not about his birth but about...well, his gender. I had prayed for a sister. But God so knows best. God knew that He would be calling our Dad home early and my kiddos would need two loving uncles (We love our precious Uncle Talley in Minnesota, too, you know!) to take the place of that wonderful grandfather that they missed. God knew that Wade and I would need extra hands to support us in the parenting of these very-special kids He entrusted to us. God knew what we needed when we didn't even realize it -- or when this sixth grade girl didn't realize it. So you better believe that today, I am giving thanks for God's perfect plan and the birth of my wonderful brother, Len and the blessing he is to us all!
Happy Birthday, Len! You are a PRINCE among men!
Happy Birthday Len! I love the way you think, Mz. Carol. Your positive attitude is a shining light glowing west of me always!
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