Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A glimpse into our world

Benjamin and Mason were barely one the first time they were cast for Orthotics -- the leg braces that help support their feet, ankles and lower leg so that they can concentrate on the other tasks of walking. I was forever looking for new names for things...wanting a "happy" spin that would help them accept wearing the hard plastic assistance. The braces we chose that first day were cute -- little cap-wearing puppy dogs lined the fasteners and Mason's were red while Benjamin chose blue. We called them our "puppy dog shoes." The name stuck. Even as they grew older, we referred to them as "puppy dog shoes", regardless of the fact that much cooler things now graced the fasteners -- superheroes, and such!

I have to tell you that dressing preschool-aged triplets is no small task. These three actually got to school more than once (Oh, I am confessing now.) wearing their shoes on the wrong feet. And when I went to change them...the boys' puppy dog shoes were even on the wrong feet! Lucky for me, I could always blame lack of sleep!

Back then our puppy dog shoes always lasted for a year or so...but lately, my dynamic duo are outgrowing them sooner! Thursday was casting day for our new set. Here, Mason has been cast and Mr. C is molding it to the exact shape of his leg and foot.
Mason is quite excited for the new set. He has selected the Roadrunner for this pair -- he likes to move fast (even if that means a few falls will ensue!).

Here, Mr. C is cutting the cast off of Benjamin. The yellow cording ensures he won't cut B's leg. But I don't mind telling you that this boy gets a little nervous anyway. Sharp objects, and all that!

His sister did her best to comfort him throughout the process -- except of course when she announced in a very loud voice that she needed to uh hm, well, go take care of business in the bathroom....announced as only a newly-three-old can. Smile!
Benjamin went with his old stand-by favorite again this time -- Batman.
They don't let me call them puppy dog shoes, anymore. Sigh. But the affect of the cute name has lingered, we not only don't mind wearing them, but as was proven by the excitement of picking out our new designs, we have embraced the fun!
And that is just one of the blessings of these boys -- they could choose to pout about the fact that other kids didn't spend Thursday afternoon getting casts, having wheelchair adjustments and testing new equipment. But not my amazing boys. They love life -- they pick roadrunners, superheroes and have wheelchair races in the equipment showroom! And they make me smile. Oh, they make me smile...and always help me figure out exactly which shoe goes on which foot!


Tracey said...

Someday I want to meet these incredibly awesome kids of yours!! What lessons they teach us all! Thanks for putting it all to such beautiful words.

Wil's Wheels said...

I know this scene well...we've been casting and wearing orthotics since infancy.

Your boys are such delights. LOVE their spirits. Thank you for sharing this us.