Thursday, December 13, 2012

Here we go.

My hubby, Benjamin and I will head to Minnesota tomorrow afternoon. We'll leave Christmas-cookie-making fun and lovely 55 degree temps for the frozen tundra and a surgeon who is certain she can help my boy.

Early Friday morning, Dr. V will fuse the wrist of Benjamin's left hand in order to correct a deformity being caused by the spasticity of his Cerebral Palsy.

He made the decision to have this surgery and now is feeling a bit of remorse about the decision. But, as I assured him today, there really was no choice. The wrist is causing him pain and making dressing a bit of a challenge. He has been ridiculed by peers and gets frustrated with his inability to straighten it at will.

Deep deep sigh.

We sure would appreciate your prayers!!

On a much happier note -- today's mail made me smile. One of my favorite magazines growing up -- Home Life -- has published an article by your's truly about the joys of parenting special needs kids. Home Life is published by LifeWay -- won't you find a copy of the January 2013 issue? I pray it will be a blessing to you!

Our mantra in this house is for God to be glorified through our strengths and our weaknesses. We all have a choice each morning when we wake up -- we can moan, grumble and complain about whatever our affliction OR we can say "Lord, use me as you will in spite of this."

That was my plan when I wrote from my heart -- that God would use me. But the moment I hit "send" on the email containing my article for Home Life, I began to doubt myself. It is one thing to write objectively about a subject as a reporter, but it is quite another to share personal details about my family's struggles and blessings. So as I ponder my writings -- and kind of enjoy seeing my byline again after all these years -- I am so thankful for the timing. Because I needed the reminder today that God is in every single detail of my children's lives. God created them, wrote their story and has prepared a plan for them.

We will walk forward tomorrow in that confidence. Giving Him all praise, honor and glory.

 (Rest assured, unless my hands freeze off, I will update as I can!)