My schedule during this pandemic has been sporadic -- some days I have 12 different projects going on, and some days I am a blob on the couch willing myself to do SOMETHING productive. Little Red's return to school, albeit a completely different return than we have ever had, has at least provided structure for my day. I like structure. Structure helps me schedule the things that are most important, things like having an early morning time dedicated to reading my Bible and praying for the needs around me.
Today, my girl needed help with her vocabulary words so I abbreviated my devotion time to help her.And so it was that my prayer time after was a congruence of Bible scripture and vocab.
I had been reading about worth -- and how as Christians, our worth is directly linked to Jesus and his love for us. It doesn't matter if we are spurious -- Jesus loves us. It doesn't matter if we are mediocre or spasmodic. I mean we could even be a brigand and Jesus would still love us.
In a world where we shout at each other over social media and judge one another about politics and mask-wearing, isn't it comforting to know that our worth is not based on the validity or invalidity of our arguments? My worth is unchanged whether you like me or not. My worth is unchanged if I have a thousand readers here or two (my mom and MIL).
If you will excuse me, I have 36 more words to memorize....

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