It is my third Fall as a college mom. I was kind of cocky as summer drew to a close -- I have this down pat, I thought. I didn't fall completely apart when one college kid spent his summer in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico, and one spent her summer in the middle of Texas, and one spent his in Virginia (granted, he took me with him but still).
I commended myself for my level of maturity. Yes, you read that right. And yes, I know I should be talking about the level of maturity that Mason, Claire, and Benjamin have reached but the thing is, I never doubted they would rise to the challenge of college. On the other hand, I have fully and completely doubted that I could rise to the challenge of letting them go.
But in early August, I really thought I was getting there. I was eager to hear about their latest adventures. I gladly discussed new room decor, apartment life, and back-to-school supplies. I have to say I was pretty proud of myself.
Let's be honest, I fully intended for inspiration to hit any moment in order to write a piece of literary genius encouraging all the first-time-sending-their-birds-out-of-the-nest-mothers out there that would be absolutely epic and full of life-changing wisdom!
Instead, today, I turned into a liquid puddle of emotional slush and realized I am still not so very good at this college thing.
So I concede this -- the triplets' junior year of college -- that I may never have the wisdom to teach other moms how to let go. But if you need a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to you brag, or a great big hug, I am here. And it would be my honor to walk with you in this season!
Yes, Little Red is playing football! So thankful that the triplets' college schedules allowed them to be home for her first game to celebrate her -- to invest in her life! |

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