Friday, October 6, 2017

World CP Day!

There has been discussion in my house recently about whether or not I overshare on social media. I am fortunate that none of my little family are criticizing me but we have had some friends make comments that force the discussion and make me rethink things.

I do overshare. I know I do.

I can make few excuses except to tell you that the triplets were alive for 10 years before I joined Facebook, and eleven before I began to blog.

And so I spent more than a decade obsessing about the very best, most amazing, absolutely adorable Christmas card I could possibly create. Because see, I had that one chance to show you what Cerebral Palsy looks like. I had that ONCE a year chance to let you know how amazing it can look on a family. I had that ONE chance to spread a little CP education to my community -- my people scattered here and there and everywhere. But it could only spread knowledge as far as my address book reached. And only once a year.

And then Facebook.

Oh holy moly, I can snap a photo with my PHONE to show you what CP looks like. 

I can upload it immediately and have you experience a bit of our day living with CP.

I can wax poetic -- or something -- in this little space on the internet and hopefully one or two of you will walk away understanding something you didn't about this thing called Cerebral Palsy.

And so today, on World Cerebral Palsy Day, I want you to know that I have no intention of stopping. I searched for hope on book store shelves and thoroughly worked the internet in 1997ish desperate for anything that would show me what tomorrow (today) might possibly look like. I have to offer that hope to anyone who might need it today. I have to.

So today -- THIS is what Cerebral Palsy looks like:

Basically, what I am telling you is that Cerebral Palsy is cute, adorable, smart, silly, dramatic, fun-loving, and so very handsome!

Happy World CP Day friends! (Don't forget to wear green!)

Carol - The Blessings Counter

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