Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Our theatrical week -- including the MoezArt debut of Claire and Cate -- has come to an end. There are no words, really. The show was amazing. The cast exuded talent, and my kids -- oh my goodness, I was so proud to be their Mom!

Honk! is the story of the ugly duckling. The story of one duckling born looking different. Not like the rest.

My Mason played the role of Ugly.

Cate and Claire -- the littlest duckling and the grandest duck!

For a week I have lurked in the back of the auditorium while my crew rehearsed -- sometimes, I am needed for costume changes -- and for a week, I have cried through various scenes.

I have started this post and erased it several times since Saturday night. Hoping that the delight in the performance would simply soothe the emotions storming around my heart. And there is such delight: delight that the energy level, the enthusiasm, the talent of this cast brought the story to life; delight that the friendships grown in this theater company are God-honoring and supportive of one another rather than cut-throat; delight that the auditorium was filled with our friends and loved ones assuring my heart that Arizona is finally home.

My Benjamin -- a turkey afraid of Thanksgiving!

But this show was about more than that. Listening to Mason sing about being different moved me, grew me and made me sit and speculate on whether or not we have accepted our own different.

Dear Cate

My trio are 15 years old -- we have known the boys have Cerebral Palsy for 14 years. But if I am honest, I will say that there are days I still struggle with the fact that my amazing boys have Cerebral Palsy. If I am honest, I will say that on certain days I would like to be less different as a family.


But here's the thing: being different makes us special. Period.

Being different gives us a voice. Yes, people turn and stare when we enter a room, a restaurant, a theater stage, but then we get to shine. My life didn't have the depth of heart before I became Mom to these four amazing kids. My story was not compelling. My writing was not as moving. I was not nearly as interesting.

Being different changed me.

A pretty girl....

My amazing boys struggle some days as well. I know they do. We have had seasons where they felt alienated because they wanted to be where their friends were but then their friends were busy throwing balls back and forth (boys do like to throw balls.). We have seasons where they want to move in ways their bodies will not allow. We have seasons where they want to be more independent, less constrained, less different.

But for this season, I sat back in the audience and watched as Mason embraced his different. I watched as he took his different used it to bring the character of Ugly to life; to bring new meaning to the show; to honor and glorify the God who makes no mistakes and assures us that we are each fearfully and wonderfully made!

With the froglets.

"Different isn't hateful,
Different could be swell
Different is just....well
DIFFERENT!" (From Honk! Jr.)

I'm linking up today for CP Connection -- join me!

Stumbo Family Story


  1. Have you watched this video? It really captures the art of being different. Thanks for your post! It was thought provoking. As an adult with CP, I still struggle with the discomfort of being different. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIWeeoxwf8g&feature=player_embedded

  2. Goodness, Reading your post made me tear up all over again. Of all the plays I have seen, Honk! was definitely the one that touched me most-- specifically because of Mason's portrayal of Ugly. Your family is such a blessing and inspiration to me! Thank you all for always taking the opportunity to shine the light of Christ to everyone around you.
