It is true. I am more inclined to post when I know I have some cute photos to share. Photos like these from our trip to the Phoenix Children's Museum this week. We had a silly, delightful time exploring the noodle forest; driving through the "car" wash; and watching Cate play and make friends. We did.
But a friend recently referred to blog posts -- and Facebook statuses -- as mere postcards of real life. And I have not been able to get the image out of my mind.
Because I would be remiss if I let you think that these little postcards -- little glimpses into our days in museums, theme parks and on field trips -- was the sum total of our life.
And yet, sometimes, I struggle to find the balance between opening the window to some of our trials without presenting a whiny, whoa-is-me post. My purpose for blogging -- my heart in this -- is that possibly one Mom, one family would be encouraged through their own trials. Encouraged that finding the joy in whatever road you are walking is possible, do-able and so worth the effort. So worth it.
But never doubt that some days -- some moments -- require more energy to find joy. That some days it takes an all out effort to embrace the good and not get bogged down in the hard. An all out effort not to delete Facebook friends whose lives seem perfect from the snapshots; to quit reading blogs where little families with 2.2 healthy non-medically challenged children romp and play and share their monogrammed outfits, sweet smiles and seemingly-idyllic existence.
And that is when I remember....
My joy does not come from perfect days. Or perfect people.
My joy does not come from good health. Full nights of sleep (though, goodness that might be nice!). Or over-achieving children.
No. None of these. Rather, my joy, true joy, has only one source. Jesus.
The one who offers peace that passes understanding.
The one who heals wounds, mends broken hearts and makes today worth living.
My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' love and righteousness...
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name...
The one who is the most precious blessing of them all.
You ARE encouraging, Mom, and I see your posts as much more than postcards. You challenge me to look at life the way you do, and stretch me and inspire me. I love you and your amazing posts!