Friday, July 9, 2010

On my heart...

It has been 13 years since my sweet babies were born oh-so-tiny and oh-so-early and yet, the right smells can transport me right back to the NICU and I am instantly awash in memories of the weeks we spent there. They were hard days, very hard days. I was at once so thrilled to be the Mommy and so very scared absolutely out of my mind for these little ones that God had blessed me with.

So when I saw the notice of little Bennett's very early birth and his little fight for survival, I was moved to ask you to pray for this dear family! You can click here to learn about this brave family and add them to your prayer list!!

My Quiet Time last week reminded me that it IS the business of God for us to intercede with our prayers for others, will you join me?!

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