Tuesday, June 1, 2010


We are hanging strong in the Shrader house...a week out from surgery, Mason is still amazing me with his strength. Today, he is starting a bit of the rehab process -- going without the knee immobilizers and feeling a bit of pain as he takes a baby-step toward getting out of the wheelchair and back on his feet.

So with a bit of sleep recovered, I am feeling the need to blog about our pre-surgery trip to Flagstaff, Hollywood and our favorite happy-place...Disneyland!

Flagstaff was not nearly as accessible as I needed it to be...but we found a wonderful music store that delighted all our senses!

The old neon-blazing hotels in Flagstaff did make me smile. This one in particular -- because our subdivision is MonteVista!

In Hollywood, we had delightful time with Todd, Marti and their sweet baby girl, Gracie! Todd took this shot of the Shrader crew at the Mulholland overlook -- that's L.A. in the back ground!

And of course, our favorite place -- Disneyland! Don't you just love that Dad and Mom are holding the stuffed animals the kids just won on the Boardwalk?! Hmm....

I love traveling with my crew. They are so much fun. We have travel plans at the end of the summer again -- when legs are rehabbed and everyone is healthy. That will be such a blessing!

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