Thursday, February 4, 2010


The moving was supposed to be easy. Two full weeks to load, carry to the new house and put everything in its proper place. Two full weeks. Then the big truck would come, the men would load the big furniture and move it over and I would be waiting to arrange, decorate and make it a home.

But that is not how it happened. Wade and I should know better than to plan -- we are both BIG planners and like to have complete control of situations. Do ya'll remember how that has worked out for us?

We planned to have our first child while he was in med school and I was working on my masters. The baby could go to school with me (Loyola had a program where the baby could stay once too big to sleep through class) and I could finish my Masters, no problem. We had triplets.

We planned....well, just suffice it to say, this is a lesson God teaches us a lot. Cause apparently we are just slow.

This time....a problem with the closing delayed our "starting to move" by a week and a day....simultaneously the renter for our former home contacted us to say he HAD to move his move-in date up 10 days!! 10 days!! So now instead of two weeks plus, we had less than a week and only two days where Wade didn't have to go to work. Two days.

So it was up to us....we literally left the title company office and started unloading boxes in the new house....making trips until midnight that first time back and forth between houses.

The next day was more of the same before we got the big truck on Sunday and instead of movers had to load it ourselves! Thank goodness for dear friends who helped...oh my goodness, we were SO grateful for Jim, Becky and Brett!! So grateful!

We have still made trips back and forth all week for all the left-overs....but FINALLY as of last night....every last crumb from the old house is in the new house. Now.....let the blessing of unpacking begin....has anyone seen my coffee maker??


  1. I'm so glad you have the support of your family and your good sense of humor. (not to mention friends that are willing to carry boxes!)

  2. Oh! I didn't know you all were moving! Well, I hope you are settled in now and enjoying your new home!
