Saturday, January 2, 2010

A season of reflections and new beginnings...

December was a bit crazy for my tastes. I like the holidays to be slow coming, enjoyed on many layers and lingered over as we make sweet family memories. But alas, with this one we hit Thanksgiving and like a bullet train were to New Year's Day. Oh, we squeezed in some sweet memories....but my head is spinning from the speed with which they raced by...

We made a quick dash to Disneyland with the hopes of seeing some beautiful decorations and enjoying the "snow" on Main Street. We had fun -- especially in the amazing new Grand California Vacation Club Condos -- but the parks were P.A.C.K.E.D. I have never seen so many people in one place. Ever. I guess everybody had the same idea this year!

With four children, my camera can barely work fast enough on Christmas morning....and this year was no different. I tried to capture Mason and his Ipod Touch (a super cool toy for my super cool kid), Benjamin and his collector item Buzz and Woodies (this movie buff loved loved them!), Cate and her Ruthie doll (Mom, Santa knew Kit needed a friend!), but I was delighted to also capture Claire and the gift she has wanted forever....a PIANO!! (Cate even told us in November that SHE was going to ask Santa to bring Claire a piano because Claire wanted it sooo much!)
Somebody else likes the piano....she didn't wait too long before sneaking a turn...

But one of my favorite shots of the season HAS to be this one!! My big kids have reached a very cool age....this year they were more excited about picking out gifts for everyone else than anything. They worked together, used their allowance monies and in secret picked the coolest gifts for each other (and Mom and Dad....just ask me about my wonderful coffee mug with their photo and a "Mom to the 4th power"!!) and then had the sweetest group hug after opening gifts! I love this photo.

So 2009 has come to a close. I am not sad, I must confess. While we had many many blessings this year, I am also thrilled to have Benjamin's surgery and difficult recovery behind us. Wade's job change behind us. Our first year of homeschooling (and all the unknowns of that) behind us.

So bring it on, 2010. May God carry my family through this next year and may He be glorified through all that we do, think, and yes....even blog!!

Happy 2010, my friends!!


  1. OH, my little friend! You and Wade have been so blessed with this special, incredible, miraculous family! LOVE your photos so very much!!!!! I wish the photo of Claire and the piano would enlarge - you may have to e-mail it to me! LOVE YOU TONS & FOREVER!!! Happy New Year and YES I will be coming out your way sometime and we'll chat longly and deeply and foreverly! Love you!

  2. Oh, honey I'm right with you on this time travel thing in 2009. Where did the year go? Especially the 4th Quarter? It's been crazy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that last shot as well, dearie! We need a visit ASAP, dontcha think? Love you! Hey to the FAM!
